How To Install Tv Aerial Splitter
How To Install Tv Aerial SplittersHow not to install an aerial, laugh hopefully while you learn. Example costs of tv aerial install for the subject of household. Deep Tech House Tracks 2013. How To Install Tv Aerial Splitter BoxHow to install a Sky TV Link Magic Eye Aerial. Sat. com. The Sky TV Link magic eye is an excellent gadget. Please see below If you have just had a new Sky box installed. Recover My Files Keygen Serial Number. The Sky DRX5. 95 non recording Sky HD and the latest Sky DRX8. DRX8. 95w boxes do not have an RF output like older Sky boxes, to use a Sky Magic Eye Sky TV Link on the above Sky boxes you will need to purchase an i. O Link. Below are the simple steps you should take to install a Sky Magic Eye. If you have a TV Link that isnt working you should first follow the below instructions turning off then on again if required, if the link still isnt working you should take a look at Fault Finding a Sky TV Link Magic Eye. The tv. LINK. The first thing you should do before you start installing a Sky TV Link is check its functioning correctly, you can do this by following the below procedure. Firstly you need to connect the TV Link directly to the back of your Sky, Sky or SkyHD box. Do not use any cables or connectors for this test, simply plug the female end of the Link on to the RF2 output and turn the power supply on to the RF2 output from within the services menu on your box. Turning The RF2 Power Supply On Old Sky menu. Press the SERVICES button once. Press the RIGHT ARROW button once Settings, then press SELECT. Press the 0 ZERO button, then the NUMBER 1 button, then the SELECT button Setup. Press the RIGHT ARROW button three times RF Outlets. Press the DOWN ARROW button twice RF Outlet Power Supply. Press the SIDE ARROW button once to turn the power supply to on. Press the GREEN BUTTON to finish the set up. Press SKY to exit the menu. Turning The RF2 Power Supply On New Sky menu, updated 1. Press the SERVICES button once. Zenith Director Laptop Wifi Drivers. Press the RIGHT ARROW button three times to highlight Settings, then press 0,0,1 SELECT. Press the RIGHT ARROW button three times then press SELECT. Press the DOWN ARROW button once RF Outlet Power Supply. Press the SIDE ARROW button once to turn the power supply to on. Press the GREEN BUTTON to finish the set up. Press SKY to exit the menu. If you now look at the TV Link the red LED should now be lit, if you are careful you can shield the remote and TV Link from the box using your body whilst cupping the remote pick up part of the Link in your hand for testing, if the Sky channel changes you are ready to move on to the next stage Cable. The Cable. Once you have completed the above steps you will need to check the Sky tv. LINK is functioning at the end of your cable run. To do this get the cable you are going to use and as accurately as possible run it along your desired route to the second TV or if using a splitter amplifier to the input on the amp, once you have the cable at the desired length you will need to fit your connectors on each end and connect it to the Sky box, then plug the TV Link on the end by the second TV or before it inputs the splitter amplifier for testing. PLEASE NOTE When installing a TV Link it is important to remember that the cable used should be Webro WF1. Assuming the TV Link still functions as it should you can now plug the TV Link in to the aerial input on your second TV. If you are using a splitter amplifier you can now install your second cable running it as above to the second TV for testing. Now all the tests have been carried out you can secure the cable you have run from the Sky box to the second TV, position the infrared eye in a spot where it has line of sight to the Sky remote and watchcontrol your TV from the remote location. Tip If the TV Link can not be directly connected to the TV wall mounted Plasma or LCD TV for example then use a short length of coax cable between the two. If you have done the above and cant get the Magic Eye to work you should take a look our other help page. Fault Finding a Sky TV Link Magic Eye.