Scanner Master and Industry News. Scanner Master and Industry. News. Police and emergency service scanning is constantly changing. New. equipment, updates to old equipment, rebanding and interference. Whether news of the latest Radio. Shack, Whistler or Bearcat scanners. Nextel Upgrade Programs' title='Nextel Upgrade Programs' />Press release from Whistler Group. Whistler Launches DMR Capable Scanners Bentonville, AR May 1. The Whistler Group, Inc., a leading industry supplier of state of the art mobile electronics, announced today a huge step forward in scanner technology with the addition of two new models to their scanner line up are the TRX 1 and TRX 2 featuring Digital Mobile Radio capabilities. The Whistler TRX 1 handheld and TRX 2 desktopMobile are multi system adaptive digital trunking scanners with Motorola P2. Phase I, X2 TDMA, Phase II and DMR making them capable of monitoring the following unencrypted channelssystems Conventional DMR Entered as a DMR trunked system. Nextel Upgrade Programs For MacGet breaking Finance news and the latest business articles from AOL. From stock market news to jobs and real estate, it can all be found here. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Optional Components. Active exhaust upgrade RS1 Side Rocker Graphics Hood Graphic Paint Selection Premium applies to Ford Premium paint colors only. Find out if you are eligible for a Sprint Works Program. Browse offers for company plan discounts, savings and special offers for members of many organizations as. Sprint Corporation, commonly referred to as Sprint, is an American telecommunications holding company that provides wireless services and is an internet service provider. Submit your work or student email address to find out if you are eligible to receive exclusive ATT offers and discounts on your wireless bill through your employer. Does my SafeLink Wireless cell phone have an email addressHytera XPTMoto. TRBO Capacity Plus. Moto. TRBO Connect Plus. Moto. TRBO Linked Cap Plus systems. Additionally, Whistler is announcing that development of NXDN monitoring is also underway and the TRX 1 and TRX 2 will include NXDN as a FREE upgrade when available. These models feature a full backlit alphanumeric keypad in addition to the easy to use Scan, Pause, Select and Navigation controls. All USACanada services and frequencies are pre programmed onto the included SD card making the units ready to use out of the box they can even be programmed by entering your ZIP code. Additional features include Upgradeable CPU, DSP, and library. Store Favorite Scanlists. EZ Scan PC Software. IFdiscriminator output. Permits recording by scannable object and saves into a Windows compatible audio file. Clock and calendar function adds datetime info to the recordings. Dedicated SKYWARN Weather button. Spectrum Sweeper. Programmable audio and visual alert sytem. We are extremely excited to add the TRX 1 and TRX 2 to our existing scanner line, said Leslie Folsom, EVP of Marketing Operations at Whistler. When Whistler entered the scanner industry we were committed to bringing innovation and we are demonstrating that by our introduction of DMR and our development work on NXDN. As a further investment in their customers, Whistler will be offering a DMR update at no charge to customers owning models WS1. WS1. 08. 8, WS1. 09. WS1. 09. 8. This upgrade will be available via the EZ Scan pc app later this month. The TRX 1 and TRX 2 will begin shipping in late June 2. Moto. TRBO is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Press relaase from Uniden. Uniden Advances Scanning with Digital Mobile Radio DMR Demonstrating our commitment to continually enhance the value and relevance of your investment in Uniden products, today we announce the latest upgrades for our flagship BCD4. HP and BCD5. 36. HP scanners. Soon, owners of these scanners will be able to add the ability to monitor and scan Digital Mobile Radio DMR systems including Moto. TRBO Connect Plus and Moto. TRBO Capacity Plus systems with a single paid upgrade, making these scanners the indisputable best in class solution for monitoring radio systems. Until now, youve either needed to purchase a single use radio to monitor these systems or kludge together a system using multiple radio dongles plugged into a PC. Star Trek La Serie Animata Firefox more. DMR is used extensively across the world by businesses, government agencies, amateur radio operators, and individuals worldwide. Radio. Reference. DMR systems and over 4. DMR conventional channels documented. But, this is just the beginning of the DMR story. The vast majority of DMR systems have never been documented since, up to now, users could not easily monitor them. Based on a quick survey of FCC records, we expect that there are tens or even hundreds of thousands of additional DMR channels to discover. And discovery will be important. So, well include some basic tools for discovering DMR channels on your own so that you will be able to quickly supplement the information currently provided by Radio. Reference. com. Well be adding details, below, as we get closer to finalizing the firmware release, so watch this space. Using the Uniden BCDx. HP radios, upgraded with the DMR upgrade, you will now be able to seamlessly monitor unencrypted channels on the following system types Conventional Analog channels. Conventional P2. 5 Digital channels. Motorola Type I and Type II Trunked Radio systems with Analog and Digital P2. Voice. EDACS Analog trunked radio systems. LTR Analog trunked radio systems. APCO Project 2. 5 Phase I and Phase II Digital Trunked Radio systems. EDACS trunked radio systems with Pro. Voice channels paid Pro. Voice upgrade requiredConventional Digital Mobile Radio DMR channels paid DMR upgrade requiredMoto. TRBO Capacity Plus Trunked Radio systems paid DMR upgrade requiredMoto. TRBO Connect Plus Trunked Radio Systems paid DMR upgrade requiredUniden is the only scanner manufacturer to offer those bolded items, above. Plus, we have even more Uniden exclusive features in these models, including Close Call RF Capture. Dynamic Memory Architecture. Location Based Scanning with GPS Support. Trunked and Conventional Discovery Modes. Wi. Fi connectivity with i. Phone and Android Apps BCD5. Copy Of Iso 2859 here. HP only, Android App coming in 2. We are working on putting the finishing touches on the upgrade but want to give you the opportunity to pre order the upgrade so that you are ready to monitor DMR from the moment it is released. As a special thanks to early adopters, we are offering the upgrade for only 5. Well let you know when the pre ordering site is ready but, until then, save your spare change. Disclaimer The above constitutes a pre announement, which includes details as we know them today, but which might change based on technical, legal, economic, or other unforeseeable issues that could arise. No portion of this pre announcement should be considered as a legally binding obligation to perform on Unidens part. Moto. TRBO is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Fond du Lac Amateur Radio Club Press Release. On Monday February 8th, Jonathan Higgins, Police Scanner Expert and Digital Media Communications Manager for Scanner Master, one of the worlds leading companies in the sales of police and aircraft scanners, will be speaking at the Fond du Lac Amateur Radio Club meeting located at the Moraine Park Technical College in room A 1. PM. The general public is invited and there is no cover charge. Read more. Monday, February 8th, 2. PM. Moraine Park Technical College. Room A 1. 12. 23. North National Avenue. Fond du Lac, WI 5. New Sport. Sync. Radio SR 3. Coming soon December 2. Now, with the all new Sport. Sync SR 3. 03 AMFM Delay Radio, you can turn down the sound on your TV and watch the game while listening to your favorite radio announcers. Radio play by play announcers provide the most descriptive, interesting and fun calls of pro or college sports events. But radio signals almost always run several seconds ahead of TV broadcasts which must pass through cable, satellite or HDTV systems. Before, if you tried to listen on the radio and watch on TV, you heard each play called on the radio well in advance of the same action you saw on TV it took all the fun out of the game. Now, with the Sport. Sync SR 3. 03, you can delay the radio audio up to 1. TV. 0. 91. 72. 01. Phil Henrys Passing. Our thoughts go out the family and friends of Phil Henry, who we lost this week. T Mobile US Wikipedia. T Mobile US is a United States based wireless network operator to which the Germantelecommunications company Deutsche Telekom DT is its majority shareholder. Its headquarters are located in Bellevue, Washington, in the Seattle metropolitan area. T Mobile is the third largest wireless carrier in the United States with 7. Q3 2. 01. 7. 5T Mobile US provides wireless voice and data services in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands under the T Mobile and Metro. PCS brands which it acquired in a reverse takeover in 2. NASDAQ stock exchange, and also serves as the host network for many mobile virtual network operators. The company has annual revenues of 3. Its network reaches 9. Americans. 67non primary source needed In 2. Consumer Reports named T Mobile the number one American wireless carrier. In 2. T Mobile was ranked 1 in Customer Service Satisfaction by Nielsen. HistoryeditT Mobile US traces its roots to the 1. Voice. Stream Wireless PCS as a subsidiary of Western Wireless Corporation. Spun off from parent Western Wireless on May 3, 1. Voice. Stream Wireless was purchased by Deutsche Telekom AG in 2. T Mobile USA, Inc. July, 2. 00. 2. In 2. T Mobile and Metro. PCS finalized a merger of the two companies. The two companies began trading as T Mobile US. Voice. Stream WirelesseditVoice. Stream Wireless PCS was established in 1. Western Wireless Corporation to provide digital wireless personal communications services PCS in 1. FCC defined metropolitan service areas in several western and southwestern states. Voice. Stream Wireless digital, urban service areas complemented the analog, rural service areas marketed by Western Wireless under the Cellular One brand. Western Wireless spun off its Voice. Stream Wireless division into a new company called Voice. Stream Wireless Corporation in May 1. Omnipoint and Aerial acquisitionseditIn 2. Voice. Stream Wireless acquired two regional GSM carriers. Omnipoint Corporation, a regional network operator in the Northeastern U. S., was acquired on February 2. Aerial Communications Inc. Columbus, Houston, Kansas City, Minneapolis St. Paul, Pittsburgh and Tampa St. Petersburg Orlando markets was acquired on May 4, 2. The combined company retired the Omnipoint and Aerial brands and completed integrating the three companies by converting to a single customer billing platform, implementing standard business practices and launching the Voice. Stream brand and GET MORE marketing strategy in all markets. Deutsche Telekom acquires Voice. Stream and Powerteledit. Transitional logo used by Voice. Stream prior to the 2. T Mobile. On June 1, 2. Deutsche Telekom DT completed the acquisition of Voice. Stream Wireless Inc. Southern U. S. regional GSM network operator Powertel, Inc. By the end of 2. 00. Voice. Stream Wireless had 1. On September 2, 2. Voice. Stream Wireless Inc. T Mobile USA, Inc. T Mobile brand, starting with locations in California and Nevada. T Mobile USA, Inc. T Mobile International AG,4 before becoming a direct subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG. Sun. Com acquisitioneditOn September 1. Sun. Com Wireless Holdings, Inc. February 2. 2, 2. By September 8, 2. Sun. Coms operations were integrated with those of the company. The acquisition added Sun. Coms 1. 1 million customers to the companys customer base and expanded the companys network coverage to include southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, eastern Tennessee, northeastern Georgia, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands. Attempted acquisition by AT TeditOn March 2. DT accepted a 3. AT T for the company. The acquisition was subject to regulatory approvals, a reverse breakup fee in certain circumstances, and customary regulatory and closing conditions. If the merger had been completed, AT T Mobility would have had a customer base of approximately 1. U. S. 1. 1On August 3. United States Department of Justice sued to block AT Ts merger with T Mobile on the grounds that it would substantially lessen competition in the wireless market. Further reports indicated that the FCC would likely oppose the merger. On December 1. 9, 2. U. S. government, AT T CEO Randall Stephenson announced that the company had officially withdrawn its 3. In an official statement, Stephenson addressed the continuing spectrum shortage due to a significant increase in wireless demand, hinting that the company will continue to seek other options to solve the shortage in the short term. Merger with Metro. PCS CommunicationseditOn October 3, 2. Metro. PCS Communications reached an agreement to merge with T Mobile USA. Metro. PCS shareholders would hold a 2. T Mobile brand. While the merged company was still the fourth largest carrier in the United States at the time, the acquisition gave T Mobile access to more spectrum and financial resources to maintain competitiveness and expand its LTE network. The merger between T Mobile USA Inc. Metro. PCS was officially approved by Metro. PCS shareholders on April 2. The deal was structured as a reverse takeover the combined company went public on the New York Stock Exchange as TMUS and became known as T Mobile US, Inc., on May 1, 2. The merger agreement gave Deutsche Telekom the option to sell its 7. The Un carrier, additional wireless spectrum acquisitioneditIn March 2. T Mobile introduced a major overhaul of its plan structure, marketed by branding themselves as being the Un carrier. Among the changes, a new contract free pricing structure with simpler plans were introduced, in which a phones cost is paid over a two year financing plan. The Un carrier strategy has since been expanded to encompass other value added services, such as a plan add on allowing phone trade ins for early upgrades twice per year,3. DVD quality over the mobile network,3. These moves came as part of an effort under new CEO John Legere to help revitalize the business as it improves its network quality. On June 2. 8, 2. 01. T Mobile agreed to buy wireless spectrum for the Mississippi Valley region from competitor U. S. Cellular for around 3. G network across a further 2. On January 6, 2. 01. T Mobile signed agreements with Verizon Wireless to purchase some 7. MHz A Block spectrum licenses for 2. Further, a transfer of some AWS and PCS spectrum licenses with a value of 9. T Mobile and Verizon. The acquisition reportedly gave T Mobile additional coverage for approximately 1. U. S. markets. 3. Attempted mergers with SprinteditIn December 2. Sprint Corporation and its parent company Softbank were working towards a deal to acquire a majority stake in T Mobile for at least US2. The proposed merger, which would result in the countrys major national carriers being controlled by only three companies, would further bolster T Mobiles position in the overall market. Members of the government were skeptical that such an acquisition would be approved by regulators, citing antitrust concerns and an explicit goal by FCC chairman Tom Wheeler to maintain four national carriers in the United States. On April 3. 0, 2. Bloomberg reported that Sprint was in talks with its lenders to ensure that the company would be financially prepared for the bid, now valued at 2.