S Structural Software' title='S Structural Software' />What is Hulseys Forensic Structural Engineering Experience Dr Leroy Hulsey and two of his students are conducting an investigation for Architects and Engineers for 91. Truth into the causes of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7. Its hard to argue that Samsung hasnt had a terrific year so far. In 2017, the worlds most prolific smartphone maker delivered a critically. Lace Frame Vector. WLq5Xtwsr7Y/WFK7bWig84I/AAAAAAAABgY/lORmsQvGREgKK5R7BBFCju71A5QZafqRgCLcB/s640/Software%2BArchitecture%252C%2BBasic.png' alt='S Structural Software' title='S Structural Software' />Dr. Hulsey is an experienced and active professor of Civil Engineering who has co authored numerous papers in the last decade alone mostly on bridges and the effects of cold weather on structures like bridges. He has a Ph. D in Structural Engineering, and is currently the department chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Alaska, Fairbanks. In the context of his AE9. Dr. Hulsey has been described as a Forensic Structural Engineer. Richard Gage described him on 91. However I cant tell if this is accurate, as its nearly ONLY used in that context. Since many proponents of 91. Truth argue that for the validity of Dr. Hulseys credentials, and since forensic structural engineer would be an ideal credential, then it would be good if this credential could be backed up. He is not described as forensic on his university web page, where the word forensic does not appear. Dr. Hulsey has University and corporate experience. Before coming to the University, Dr. Hulsey owned and run three high tech engineering research corporations. He has extensive teaching and research experience. He taught at the University of Missouri Rolla, North Carolina State University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks UAF. While at UAF he has been an active researcher, served as Department Head and participated in numerous university committees. Priority Traveller Program. Content from external source. Nor does it appear on this older resume page 2. It DOES occur on his Linked. In page though misspelled twicehttps www. Owner. Content from external source. Creo Simulate, a standalone product or an extension to Creo Parametric, allows you to simulate realworld stresses on your product. Owner. Company Name Alignment Systems, Inc. Dates Employed1993 Present Employment Duration 24 yrs Software development development of advanced structural. CHECKSTEEL is a free structural steel design program to Australian and New Zealand Standards and proudly supported by OneSteel. Thats a little odd, as the words forensic engineering only come up twice on the uaf. Dr. Hulsey. https www. Auaf. edu. Dr. Hulseys company Alignment Systems Inc does not have much a web presence. The Google Reviews page has five five star reviews from 9 1. Alignment Systems Inc fairbanks oqAlignmentSystemsIncfairbanks. Their web site was created on 2. They have a facebook page from September 2. SkyCiv-Structural-3D-Analysis-Software-Full-Browser-Window.png' alt='S Structural Software' title='S Structural Software' />Alignment Systems Inc 5. They have a Tumblr page from the same time period Source https alignmentsystemsinc. And then theres a Vimeo account with a video made with stock footage, and then the same thing on You. Tube. And then a variety of company directory entries that mistakenly classify it as a wheel alignment companyhttp listings. Alignment Systems Inc. Founded in 2. 00. Alignment Systems Inc is a small organization in the automotive repair shops industry located in Fairbanks, AK. It has 1 full time employee and generates an estimated 1. USD in annual revenue. Content from external source. This odd cluster of social media sites, including a fake looking Four. Square account, and a suspended Twitter account, suggests that someone was paid to establish a social media presence in the fall of 2. MacBook-mock-up-frame.png' alt='S Structural Software' title='S Structural Software' />Structural engineering software for the analysis and design of concrete and masonry retaining walls and masonry walls. CIAGEL 7000 Masonry Epoxy. CIAGEL 7000 Epoxy is a structural adhesive specifically designed to attach anchor bolts into fully grouted concrete masonry units CMU. Probably http 4. This is not an uncommon thing for an older business to do. The lifetime of the company has variously been listed as 1. Linkedin, and 2. Presumably he was acting as a consultant, and in about September 2. Locals, but did not renew it after a year. However theres basically zero mention of his business name on the internet prior to 2. So it seems very difficult to determine what exactly Dr. Hulseys experience is in the field of Forensic Structural Engineering. All that I can tell he has done that comes close is monitor the structural health of bridges. Update While the odd social media stuff might look suspicious, I looked up 4. Yelp, and they had several terrible reviews about very pushy marketing. So quite possibly he just got talked into it by some salesman, then did not renew.