Interaction Orientation Program
Interaction Orientation Program' title='Interaction Orientation Program' />Student Orientation Programs Introduction to College Life, Becoming Familiar with the New Environment, Welcome to the Community, Conclusion. State. University. Starting college can cause much anxiety in the heart of a new college student because of all the unknownsWhat should my major be Will I make any friends How will I find all of my classes Whom do I ask if I have a question New student orientation programs are designed to guide students in answering all of these questions. Prior to the beginning of classes, students are given an overview of the complete realm of university life, from academics to social activities, through a period of days referred to as orientation. Typically, a staff member or team coordinates the orientation programs within the university and provides the leadership to bring the entire university together. Depending on the size and mission of the institution, the format of orientation will vary from a one day program to a week long event. However, regardless of the nature of the program, three objectives should be present in all orientation programs 1 introducing students to college life 2 acclimating students to their new surroundings and. It is the duty of the coordinator of orientation to design a program that will bring these three goals together. Introduction to College Life. Introducing students to college life requires presenting as full a view as possible of all the university has to offer. Therefore, academics as well as extracurricular activities should be presented. Student Orientation Programs Introduction to College Life, Becoming Familiar with the New Environment, Welcome to the Community Conclusion. RESEARCH RKRORTS A Study of Classroom Interaction Patterns from Student Teaching to Independent Classroom Teaching GERALD DOUGLASS BAILEY Interaction patterns of the. During orientation, students should be made aware of opportunities to be socially integrated into the college culture. If students do not become socially integrated within the first few weeks of their arrival, they are less likely to stay at that institution. Emulator Iphone on this page. Social activities can include parties, games, concerts, icebreakers, and hang out time. Students also can learn about the various student organizations in which they can be involved. However, orientation programs should not be purely fun and games, for college is more than just fun and games. West Point AOG Cadet News Blog, West Point Cadets in the news. While the social aspect does play a significant role in ones collegiate experience, the importance of academics should not be over looked. While a student may focus on one more than the other, both work together in forming the college experience. Orientation programs begin before classes start therefore students usually will need to register for classes during orientation. Because new students need some direction and guidance in enrolling for classes, faculty members should have an opportunity to provide academic advising at orientation. An academic component to orientation will give the new students the advantage they will need in making the transition from high school to college. By giving a strong overview of academic expectations, students will be better prepared to meet the challenges of collegiate academics. Therefore, in order to give the most accurate view of an institution, there must be both an academic and social component to the orientation program. Becoming Familiar with the New Environment. The second aspect of the role of orientation is acclimating students to their new environment. After moving into a new neighborhood, one would ideally like a few days to learn ones way around the new neighborhood. Likewise, orientation should allow students to get their bearings in their new home. For some students, going to college is their first time away from home, so orientation should give them time to become familiar with their new surroundings. New students should meet their roommates and find their classrooms. Through guided tours, campus maps, or even time to just wander, orientation provides a safe avenue for new students to find their way around campus. By moving on campus before classes starts, the new students are able to learn the ropes and not seem so green by the time the academic year begins. Students should become familiar with both physical locations and the workings of the environment during orientation. Welcome to the CommunityThe university community should not only be involved in the preparation and implementation of orientation programs but also have an opportunity to meet the new students. Unlike some of the other programs within campus life, orientation requires the cooperation and the resources of the entire campus community including faculty, dining services, housing, facilities management, and student activities groups. Depending on the size of the institution, the level of community involvement may vary. The administration of a small, liberal arts college may have more opportunities to meet and greet students than that of a large, public school. Whether through receptions, meetings, and even help on move in day, the university community should be involved in welcoming the new students. For example, faculty may meet new students prior to the beginning of classes. By making a connection, this interaction with the community may in turn even strengthen the students persistence in college. Students, as well as faculty and staff, have an important role in orientation. Selecting a specific number of current students to be orientation leaders allows the new students to meet upperclassmen. The orientation leaders can give the new students the inside scoop on college life since they too have been in the new students shoes. Many institutions use orientation leaders to lead the new students through a series of workshops, campus tours, and social activities. New students may be more open to receive information from the orientation leaders than from a lecturer in a main auditorium. Orientation leaders can also explain some of the details of university life that some administrators would never think of telling them. For instance, orientation leaders can share things such as where to hang out between classes, where to find the best food in town, how to use the laundry room, and how to get involved in campus activities. Often new students have the most contact during orientation with the orientation leaders, so it is imperative that these leaders be properly trained. Therefore, planning orientation leader training should be just as important as planning the actual program. Leaders need to understand the vision of orientation so that it becomes their own and they can communicate that to the new trainees. When selecting orientation leaders, one should look for a good representation of the student body as well as for those who are willing to go the extra mile in helping new students. The readiness of the orientation leaders is the key to the implementation of a successful orientation program. Conclusion. When designing an orientation program, one must first understand the culture of the institution and the students. Sistema Optico Del Ojo Pdf. A good program for one university may not be conducive to the size or mission of another. In addition, some programs may work better than others depending on the type of student who attends the institution. Even though most orientation programs are designed with the eighteen year old, first time college student in mind, some institutions may have more transfer students or even nontraditional older students. Therefore, programs should be implemented to orient them into the academic community as well. Another factor to consider is the orientation of parents.