Images/winimage_inject.gif' alt='Ghostcast Network Drivers' title='Ghostcast Network Drivers' />How to add network drivers to ghostcast usb boot pen I have downloaded Ghostcast as 3. I follow the steps of the boot key wizard but when i boot up my laptop with my usb pen there is no light on the nic card but its boots up into ghostcaast. Please please help. Thanks in advance. Geek of All Trades Windows 7 Deployment in 7 Easy Steps. Its easier to deploy Windows 7 than you may be led to believe by the online documentation that. Proposal Kit Professional Crack. Symantec-GhostCast-Server-1.png' alt='Ghostcast Server Setup' title='Ghostcast Server Setup' />Ghostcast DownloadSymantec GhostcastGhostcast Network DriversAutoexec. DOS is finished loading drivers Command. GhostCast session.